The “Officina di Studi Lucio Piccolo” was established in 2015 by Professor Domenica Perrone, professor of contemporary Italian literature at the University and President of the Dante Alighieri Society of Palermo, that has its headquarters in Via Marchese Ugo 60 .
The “Officina”, which operates with the consent and favor of the poet’s heirs, aims to get out of the episodicity of the studies dedicated to Piccolo’s poetry and to give continuity to research by combining philology and exegesis.
IThe Officina’s operating group, which comes from the German Christmas School and recognizes itself for the most part in the guidelines indicated by him, wants to take the form of a permanent research site that deepens and unravels the still unsolved knots of Piccolo’s poetic writing. A secondary objective of this cultural project is to promote the figure of the Palermitan poet as well as the diffusion and knowledge of his works and to stimulate more and more young people to read his work.